The Importance Of Saliva In Oral Health

Most people don't like to see spit in their every day lives. Most people consider it icky and sticky – a bodily fluid best kept to yourself. Did you know, however, that saliva plays an important role for the body? Not just an important role, but several important roles, actually! The importance of saliva in your oral health cannot be diminished. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn why saliva is so important to your oral health, what happens to your body when your body does not produce enough saliva, common salivary disorders and when you should see a dentist about dry mouth.

Shoes For Kids: Helping To Put Their Best Feet Forward

From little leather boots to tiny black Mary Janes, it seems like adults can't get enough of tiny baby shoes. You might not know that the shoes you choose for your child during infancy can actually have a major affect on the development of their feet, as well as the development of their motor skills. When choosing shoes for your baby and you child, keep the following guidelines in mind so that you child really hit the ground running in the early years of life.

Get Some Zzzz: 3 Non-Surgical Treatments For Sleep Apnea

From physical strength and emotional well-being, sleep is an imperative part of your life. Unfortunately, a large number of Americans do not get a sufficient amount of sleep each night due to various disorders. Characterized by frequent episodes of breathing loss while asleep, sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that affects an estimated 18 million Americans. Using an overnight sleep study, your doctor can determine if you are suffering with apnea.

Natural Ways To Keep Your Skin Looking Great

There are countless skin products across the globe designed to help your skin look its best. Although these products are helpful, there are common sense, natural methods of keeping your skin looking beautiful no matter what your age. There are a number of simple things you can do at home, and in your daily life, to keep your skin looking vibrant and fresh. This article will touch on a few of them.

Preparing For Laser Cataract Surgery? What To Expect During Recovery

If you've developed a cataract in your eye – a common occurrence among seniors – your eye doctor may have informed you that surgery is the only reliable way to restore your vision to normal. The thought of eye surgery can be upsetting to many people. After all, the eyes are a very sensitive area. However, modern lasers have helped to advance the procedure, and cataract surgery is now one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States, with the number of cataract surgeries performed increasing steadily as the years go by.